“Started From the Bottom, Now We Here”

Reflecting on this blog has honestly been an eye-opening experience for me. It’s very — for back of a better term, trippy– to think about. Despite it only being a few weeks ago, I see myself very differently now than I did then.

Reading my first post almost made me disappointed in myself because I was so eager to begin my creative writing process and get involved in creating fiction again. However, I don’t regret changing my mind about switching topics; I love that I dove into something brand-new and followed a passion I was always aware of, but never really pursued. A part of me though still wishes that I had chosen the path of writing fiction, seeing what blessings that would’ve brought into my life.

I will say that covering fashion is possibly tougher than creating my own original stories, though. Attempting to create a consistent format, schedule, and photography style was all more challenging than I initially anticipated. I underestimated the amount of time, planning, and effort it was going to take to make everything come together, and for that I have a growing respect for bloggers everywhere.

Having a blog has helped me keep to a routine, which is something I’ve always had a problem with. I love that I can count on logging on every Wednesday and Sunday nights and just writing away and researching what I love at the same time. At first, I did have some difficulty keeping to a schedule for this class and thought I could just bust everything out in one night, but as the weeks sped by, I soon realized that this blog demanded more out of me and would soon become a challenge for me. But that’s okay — I love challenges. (:

I think my intentions behind this blog have changed throughout the weeks, as well. In the beginning, I looked at this blog as a tool to get my name noticed in the writing industry and possibly pursue a lifelong dream. As the weeks went on, I cared less about my “reputation” or “impact” on the industry itself and more and more about my readers. In each blog post, I think it becomes increasingly apparent that I’m writing for my readers, to my readers, and keeping their best interests and opinions in mind. In anything I do, my end goal is to help people. I love helping people, whether it’s through design, writing, or advice. I love helping change someone’s lifestyle for the better. It’s what I aim to do every day at my jobs, so why would it stop when I log on here?

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