Very Very Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Okay y’all, if you’re anything like me, you have probably 10-20 costume ideas when it’s not Halloween season, but maybe one or two decent ones when the holiday rolls around. And then, when you finally get to execute your exciting costume ideas, they don’t end up working out exactly how you envisioned.

Well, maybe you aren’t like me, but either way, I think we’ve all been in that situation where we aren’t prepared at all and we suddenly have to be, quick.

It’s tough to figure out a creative costume idea that someone isn’t already trying to pull off, but no one wants to settle for that traditional cat costume you wore three years in a row and I guarantee it’s the same one that four other people will be wearing when you finally roll up to the costume party. So, I suggest that you develop a new twist on the same old costume.

This year (okay so technically two days ago, and tomorrow, but you know), I was/am a referee. Typical girl costume, yes, but the way I executed it was different which made me stand out above the rest–and not to mention it was cheaper, so, join me in celebration for a second. Any time a college kid can save money should be a momentous occasion.

Anyhow, a typical referee costume consists of the shirt, the shorts, the hat, the socks, the Nikes (a non-negotiable to me, but that’s only because I work at Nike so I’m bias), and of course the whistle. Mine however, was similar, but different enough to stand out: I wore a black and white striped bodysuit which I paired with the hat, socks, whistle, and Nikes. Now I know this doesn’t sound incredibly different than the typical costumes, but it cost me less than half the price of a typical Halloween costume and still showcased my uniqueness and originality.

Spirit Halloween Store,, Target, and Nike all contributed my look, and can contribute to a bevy of your last-minute ideas too. Here’s my costume, and a few more piece-it-together-yourself costumes for all y’all trying to save a buck, still stand out, and have pieces you can use again and again throughout the year.

Referee Costume

Bodysuit: Spirit Halloween, $14.99; socks: $5,; shoes: $80,; hat: $12.99, Target.

Where’s Waldo Costume

Sweater: Forever 21, $14.90; shorts: Forever 21, $17.90; beanie: Kohl’s, $19.

Fairy Costume

Dress: Forever 21, $22.90; headband: Forever 21, $3.90; wings: Spirit Halloween, $30; shoes: Forever 21, $34.90

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